Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bluetooth File Transfer in Windows Mobile !

Thanks to Howard Forums... MS Bluetooth Stack doesn't provide a separate service or button for enabling Bluetooth File Transfer service. Its tied to the "Receive All incoming Beams"option under BEAM settings which might be confused for Infrared only.. Enable all incoming beams and wuhooo..u can receive files via bluetooth.. Original Thread on Howards Forum is below...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

YouTube Player on Smartphones and PocketPC !

Well after a long search.. ZBOP on TREOCENTRAL has finally hacked his way into playing Youtube and any other FLV format hosting sites, on Windows Mobile Smartphones and PocketPC. The hack works perfectly even with an option of saving the video.. The two cab files install TCPMP and FLV capture and a shortcut HTML page to all the links.. Check out the website belwo for all the details

Youtube Player On Windows Mobile

Youtube now supports Windows Media PLayer on Mobile. Accessing youtube via the following link Youtube Mobile. All videos are using rtsp protocol now.. so enjoy..